Silicone material rolled out. Primasil introduces train gangway material to Middle East market.
17 March 2015

Primasil Silicones is following up the launch of its unique rail-specific Railsil silicone product in the Middle East by introducing a new gangway material to the region. As Managing Director Steve Wheeler points out, its origin says much about the company’s approach to meeting customers’ specific needs in the rail sector.
“A major European train gangway manufacturer asked us to develop seals for its ‘new generation’ gangway. They needed to be designed around a set space envelope, to meet all physical and functional requirements, to comply with stringent fire test criteria and to give a precise, aesthetically pleasing colour match.
“After careful consideration and consultation we created a tailor-made solution, verified the initial designs using Finite Element Analysis (FEA) software and provided extruded samples to the customer. The seals were approved, following the customer’s rigorous testing process, and are now fitted as standard in these gangways.”
At a time of growing investment in the Middle East’s rail infrastructure, Steve Wheeler and his team are reaching out to help the region’s rail companies in similar ways.
“Finding good materials and suppliers will be key to the success of this infrastructure, and we can already see that many Middle Eastern businesses are looking to Western Europe for the kind of tried and tested engineering that has set benchmarks for quality and safety across the rail industry. When it comes to silicone products for gangways and other rolling stock applications, Primasil is the company with the expertise, experience and agility to deliver the perfect tailored fit.”
Primasil is Europe’s leading independent manufacturer of silicone rubber products. It offers extensive facilities not only for formulating and supplying materials but for converting them into finished products. Steve Wheeler emphasises that his team loves innovating and working hand in hand with customers to find the right solutions, and that nothing less than a perfect tailored fit will do.
As well as the gangway seal material and the finished, extruded seals, Primasil produces silicone material for processing by gangway manufacturers.
For further information on Primasil Silicones’ products and services, visit, email or call +44 (0)1544 312600.